
We all are living in the present. They tell us to not live in the past, that it will hurt us instead of help us. I have found this in some ways to be true and some not. I just have one question, if they tell us to not live in the past yet they tell us to let our past mistakes teach us a lesson… how are we supposed to do this? I think of someone things in my head and honestly they make sense but on paper they don’t. So as you read my blog some of this may not make sense. But does everything you say always make sense? If you answered yes to that you’re one cocky person. Anyways back to the past thing. I’m a good person, well if I say myself. Yet some people make mistakes, it’s a rule of life, “You can make mistakes.” Everyone says this, and trust me everyone makes mistakes, some go unnoticed and some not. But let me ask you this what in this world is able to control when someone makes a Big Little mistake. Not something to put them in jail, but something to get them in trouble. Who are we to judge people for their mistakes, we all learn different lessons. If we didn’t, we’d be like the screwed up books and movies that people see and read. But WE ARE NOT. We’re all messed up, a little crazy, and need a little help. But who’s to judge us when everyone has issues. Ya alright I realize this is really long, but i mean if you stuck through this incredibly long, boring, confusing writing, congrats because I probably wouldn’t have. Anyways this was probably very out-of-order and confusing, but I promise the next one won’t be. ANyways if people actually are viewing this, e-mail me questions or whatever and i’ll answer. Anyways signing off -Nat

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